Project Team
Project Management
Final Deliverables

University of Pittsburgh Intranet Project

Project Charter

The purpose of this project is to design and develop a comprehensive intranet for students, faculty and staff at the University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine (SDM).

Solution Highlights

At the completion of the project, we delivered a working prototype of the SDM intranet. The prototype provided:


During the course of the project, we made two presentations to the School of Dental Medicine's operating committee and two presentations to the MHCI Project class. These presenations summarize much of the work we completed during the project and describe our final solution.

  • JACs Presentation (4/15/2003): Provides a summary of the reseach phase of the project and a high-level description of our proposed solution. (EXE - 3.2M)
  • Class Presentation (4/25/2003): Similar to the JACs presentation, but with more details of our process for our HCI audience. (PPT - 9.6M)
  • JACs Presentation (7/22/2003): At our final presentation to the SDM operating commitee, we described the final solution and our user testing results but spent most of the time demoing a live version of the system.(PPT - 6.5M)
  • Class Presentation (8/9/2003): A high-level project overview and desciption of what we delivered to the client. (PPT - 7.3M)