Design Summary

Our final design, Lumina Mobile (LuMo), is a cuff-mounted tool that supports the execution of planned science and operation activities during planetary surface missions. LuMo allows astronauts to view an optimized version of the plan timeline, activities, procedures and execution notes, and includes timing information indicating how far ahead or behind schedule they are.

The prototype utilizes large physical buttons rather than alternative touch screen input to accommodate the physical constraints of heavy space suit gloves. Planned activities are grouped by the core components of planetary surface missions: traversals and stations. Each Activity List displays all activities associated with the currently selected Plan Segment. Time insensitive activities can be completed in any order within the total time allocated for the Plan Segment. Procedures and Execution Notes detailing the steps required to complete an activity are integrated into the timeline to support the astronaut’s workflow.

The final design of LuMo was inspired by our user research findings, informed by supplementary research on planetary surface missions and evaluated through two Operational Readiness Tests performed in preparation for Landing Day.

Feel free to visit our tumblr blog to learn more about our design process.

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