Engaging in an iterative design process

We designed a prototype newsroom tool in stages, where we designed an iteration, tested functionality with newsroom editors, and then synthesized that feedback. After each round, fidelity was increased.


Using our findings and insights, we generated multiple ideas that we then presented to the various stakeholders. With their guidance and input, we selected one to focus on for the summer.


With our idea in hand, we created low and medium fidelity prototypes using pen and paper, Axure, Balsamiq, Omnigraffle, and HTML/CSS/Javascript. Within each prototyping cycle, we tested and iterated with the various users of our solution.

Final Design

After going through 5 rounds of design iterations, we created a final, working prototype. We presented the prototype and implementation plan to our clients. Unfortunately, due to the proprietary nature of Bloomberg's work, we are unable to share any of our designs here.