A novel video-streaming community platform designed for people in recovery from addiction.

LiveLine supports recovery through content-based individual self-reflection and empathetic community support. Our solution removes the barriers of time and location by crafting a unique experience of livestreamed video that allows people to connect and learn anytime, anywhere.

About 1 in 13 people in the US have a substance use disorder. When examining young adults, that number jumps to 1 in 7.

We were challenged to leverage technology to transform the substance addiction rehabilitation experience using human-centered design principles.

Statistics reflects those 12 years and older in 2017. Taken from www.samhsa.gov

We’re a team of 5 graduate students partnered with a local recovery center.

Partnered with the Oasis Recovery Center and Biomotivate, we worked together for 8 months to design a solution for a better future of recovery.