Bringing the Users’ Perspective to InterConnect through Research and Tests
InterDigital is at the forefront of the development of the next generation of mobile networking. What was missing was the voice of the everyday user. What do they need? What are they worried about? We went looking for some answers.
From extended reality to smart home personalization, we studied how users perceive emerging technologies and some of their core needs and behaviors.
Among the many findings, these insights stood out as the driving forces behind a potential 6G rollout and adoption.
Users will readily adopt new experiences only when the experience is socially validated and is conveniently accessible to them.
As more experiences become personalized to the user, the experience needs to establish trust with the user for the user to be willing to forego decision-making power over the experience.
No matter how powerful immersive technology becomes, true immersion as a state of presence is achieved only through content that is appealing to the user.
As experiences use more data from users, users have a greater need for the feeling for the privacy and that their data will not be misused.
With a clearer understanding of the larger umbrella of user needs and concerns that would affect 6G’s development and adoption, we doubled down on identifying specific factors that can measure the quality of experience for the user.
From 5 tests covering privacy, agency, immersion in public spaces, and cognitive load, we listed 24 Quality of Experience Factors that describe what the user interacts with and what the recommended course of action is to make experience ideal.
Coupled with the Quality of Experience Factors, we framed a series of open-ended critical thinking prompts that help strategists at InterDigital think from the perspective of the user and spark conversations around the why behind the development of 6G from the lens of the user.
Grounded on this research, InterConnect guides the analysis of possible 6G use cases based on people, context, technology, and the relationships between them.
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