Rally UP
Habit building tool designed for everyone
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what is up?
Help creating wellness routines can be easily tracked and followed

COVID-19 was detrimental to employee wellbeing

The pandemic and shift to remote work has pushed mental and physical wellbeing at work to an all-time low. This is a severe issue for employers, who face significant revenue loss due to low-performing, sick employees. Wellness programs have the potential to improve employee health and employer outcomes, however...

There is a lack of participation in wellness programs

Although employers are beginning to offer more comprehensive programs along with rewards of higher value, employees still do not engage much in these offerings due to reasons like privacy concerns and lack of accessibility...


"How might we increase engagement?"

1. Identify Threshold

Our research shows that that users have different levels of trust levels towards employer provided resources, and these trust levels determine their engagement with the product. These trust levels determine the threshold of when users are willing to start usage of and continue usage of the product.

2. Identify Blockers of Thresholds

1. Start usage of the product
Blocker 1: Low Trust
Blocker 2: Low Emotional Stimulation

2. Continue usage of the product
Blocker 1: Low Perceived Value
Blocker 2: Low Emotional Stimulation

3. Remove these Blockers

We designed features and interactions that would remove these blockers of crossing these thresholds to enable users to proceed with their wellness journeys.

These solutions are introduced below.


On Boarding features to help set up long term goal

What helps with setting a goal that truly motivates you?

Our research shows that a strong motivation can often lead to long term engagement. We use a 3-steps process to help you build the goal that truly motivates you!

  • Inspire by others

    Take a look at how other approach setting up their goals, and relfect on your own.

  • Fill-in-the-blanks

    Goal building can be hard... Get help from a template to build your goal!

  • Customize Guidance

    By setting your goal, we will provide you a template of what to do to stay on track! Select your favorites and, voila!

On-Boarding Flow

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Dashboard Design

Easy access and neat feature for continuous goal tracking!

“I can never find the time...”

By scanning your work calendar, we know exactly the best time for you to quickly complete your goal throughout your busy day!

Social with UP!

Group challenge can help you keep up with your friends wellness status! You can also motivate your friends to join to create a great workout atmosphere.

Elegent Tracking Interface

With special widgets we designed for each activity, you can quickly log your wellness status!

Progress Reminder

Lack of motivation? We will remind you what your goal is, and help you visualize the progress you've made so far!