Problem Space

Although the visual-based coding system developed by OutSystems is much more efficient than text-based coding, it has produced some problems of its own. Because the system is visual, larger applications become difficult to understand – difficulty to view the entire application flow results in difficulty to understand what the code is doing. Since commenting the visual flow simply clutters the document further, this text-based coding solution was not always feasible for addressing this problem.

Another complication arising from the creation of the Business Logic Design is adaptation. Since the average developer is used to text-based coding, the visual-based coding system within OutSystems has proven to be difficult to adopt. Because this system employs such a radically new method for application development, the transition takes a longer time. Though OutSystems introduced their platform seven (7) years ago, users new to the system take a longer time to learn. Thus the barrier of entry is higher.

Therefore, when approaching the CMU MHCI team, the problems were presented as follows:

The team then defined the following foci through an affinity diagramming process.
