To determine our users’ planning needs during the Robotic Reconaissance Field Test, we created storyboards of our design concepts. Storyboards are sequences of three or four illustrations that show a concept in context. We proceeded with a method for needs validation called “speed dating,” where we showed the storyboards to potential users and domain experts to see how they reacted to the perceived need and proposed solution in each scenario. We showed our designs to the team members of the robotic reconnaissance field tests, including a flight director, science/flight liaison, and technical support.
Over a two‐week period, we had the opportunity to observe the flight and science rooms in the robotic reconnaissance field test, which was carried out with groups at NASA Ames and at Black Point Lava Flow in Arizona. We documented all elements of the process and noted issues, both good and bad, which arose during planning. The field test allowed us to refine our storyboards based on needs we observed. We then created an affinity diagram with our observations from the field test, and compared these with previous planning research and design needs generated thus far. The complete list of final design ideas can be found in Appendix I. After discussions with our client, we refined our focus to helping the science team clearly communicate their plan intent to the flight team.