Findings Overview
We generated 3 key design insights and 4 secondary insights to surface the biggest challenges and opportunities that our solution will tackle. The key insights, each supported by evidence from 2-4 domains, will provide focus and guidance as we develop our visions and explore them in depth. The secondary insights are supported by evidence in at least one domain and are nevertheless relevant to our project and will serve as additional context in the design process.
Insights & Findings
Ease in gathering key information for quick reference streamlines procedure execution
On the ISS and in NASA test facilities, astronauts and test engineers must reference long, detailed documents to perform procedures. In many cases, they are familiar with the procedure but need to reference key information during specific steps. We can streamline their procedure execution process by developing a solution that provides quick access to that key information.
- Key information needs to be extracted for easy access
- Procedure documents are ill-suited for quick reference during task execution
- Necessary status information is difficult to gather
Successful collaboration requires coordinated sharing of procedure process and status information
Tools and materials aboard the ISS and in NASA test facilities are shared among many individuals who must coordinate their location and use. To prevent delays, our solution will need to make it easy for co-workers to share their procedures and the status of their tool use, so that the information remains relevant and reliable.
- Collaboration breakdowns are caused by poor coordination and inaccurate system information
- Maintaining shared tools and spaces requires consistent coordination among collaborators
Related physical objects and information become more meaningful when they are kept together
In our field research, we noticed that physical proximity can enhance the informational relationship between two objects. In the context of this project, we see an opportunity to create a closer association between tools and their related content, such as a relevant procedure step or status information.
- Individuals create associations between information and physical objects
Secondary Findings
Unlike each key insight, which appeared in multiple domains, each secondary finding typically arose several times in one domain. These findings are important because they show the challenges individuals in a specific domain face while they execute procedures and the individuals’ strategies for increasing work efficiency. Our solution should address these challenges and support individuals’ techniques for increasing procedure efficiency.
- The cleanup and documentation phase for one procedure is the preparation stage for another
- Standardizing procedures is challenging due to unique individual needs
- Multitasking and procedure interruptions occur frequently Procedure processes are adapted to minimize tool gathering