Team Teletracking: Our Solution.

The solution contains three key components:

The Mobile Application

The Service Plan

A Feature Roadmap

The Mobile Application: Haven

The heart of the solution, Haven helps citizens prepare for disasters, both in terms of material and logistics. To this end, there are four core features that facilitate disaster readiness:


Service Plan

Alongside Haven, we are providing Teletracking, with a service plan for data collection. While Haven is intended to direct people away from hospitals in disasters, there is more that can be done to help hospitals in these critical situations. Below is a service plan of how Haven's functions relate to three key stakeholders: the caregiver, the shelter/emergency manangement system, and the hospital in the lead up to and during a disaster. Also included is a model of what data flows between which stakeholders at each juncture.

Service Plan
Data Model

Feature Roadmap

The Feature Roadmap provides for the future expansion of Haven and its associated services for Teletracking. Central to this is bringing Haven to other geographical locations and adapting it to other disasters, such as winter storms, or earthquakes. The roadmap includes many ideas created in the the generative design stage that had to be abandoned for expediency, including incorporating "smart" sensors for data collection and providing incentives for completing preparation lists, such as coupons towards needed supplies.
