Designing not just one, but a toolkit of solutions

One solution doesn’t fit all

By adopting a toolkit of solutions DPIC can repackage their existing content to fit the needs of our three main user archetypes

For casual information seekers, how might we make information concise and engaging?

For concerned curious learners, how can we make it easier to build upon their existing knowledge?

For dedicated thought influencers, we make it easier to humanize the impact of the death penalty for others.

Death Penalty Info Chatbot

A tool that helps people navigate death penalty information in a personalized way will help them achieve their own goals and allow for increased exploration of that information.

Death Penalty 101 Learning Modules

With a structured learning experience that is concise, comprehensive and engaging, casual information seekers and concerned curious learners will be able to build upon and broaden their understanding of topics in the death penalty space.

Interactive Visualization Dashboard

If DPIC provided easy ways for users to interact with data, people without research experience would be able to easily discover and interpret data trends.

Research and Annotation Tool

A way to collect, organize, and visualize death penalty information can help dedicated thought influencers build successful cases and campaigns.