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M. Azim Ali – Project Manager

Azim earned his B.S. degree in Psychology from Carnegie Mellon in 2006. His research during that time focused on attention, visual perception, and problem solving. Upon graduating, Azim continued his studies in cognitive psychology as a graduate researcher at Florida State University. He utilized protocol analysis to investigate learning and memory, information processing, and expert performance. His interests include mobile UI design, pervasive computing, and interaction design.

Jonathan Bidwell – User Research Lead

Jonathan is a graduate of Rensselear Polytechnic Institute with a B.S. in Computer and Systems Engineering. His work includes the development of multiple human robot interfaces that are in use today at NASA, the US Air Force and CMU. Jonathan is currently leading a team to develop an operator interface for CMU’s lunar rover entry into the X Prize competition.

Joanna Bresee – Design Lead

Joanna’s undergraduate degree from Carnegie Mellon is a joint degree in Anthropology and Art, with an additional major in HCI. She spent a semester studying ethnographic research techniques in Madagascar. She is currently a research assistant for CMU’s Usable Privacy and Security lab.

Jennifer (Jessa) Hafer-Zdral – Web/Document Lead

Jessa is a graduate of Reed College with a B.A. in Psychology. Her undergraduate thesis explored voice and face perception. Jessa is drawn to HCI’s interdisciplinary approach to problem solving and feels that a lot can be learned from approaching a task from different perspectives.

Steven Hillenius – Technical Lead

Steve is a graduate of Carnegie Mellon with a B.S. in Information Systems and HCI. He has experienced internships in both fields, although most recently he was a Usability Analyst at There, his main project was a competitive analysis using quantitative usability methods.