We will explore the motivations, goals, and desires of The Andy Warhol Museum's visitor psychographic profile in order to design new ways of interacting with The Warhol's collection and support a superior visitor experience overall.
ABOUT THE ANDY WARHOL MUSEUMThe Warhol is more than a museum. It is a cultural hub where artists, scholars, and the
general public can commune through creative interactions with the art and life of Andy
Warhol. Its unique collection is matched by dynamic programming that constantly evolves
to meet the zeitgeist.
The President of CMP seeks to double The Warhol's attendance over the next 5 years. The
museum currently focuses on traveling exhibitions, but its new goal requires a more local approach. Facebook and Twitter help spread awareness online but may not increase
incoming visitors.
This project aims to explore new ways of interacting with The Warhol's collection. Our challenge was to develop a truly Warholian solution that embraces the irreverent, bucks tradition, and responds to the present.