Did you know?

of Americans have experienced a hidden or unexpected fee for a service.

Consumer Reports. (2023, February 8).
Consumer Reports urges the FTC and Congress to ban costly junk fees.


Today's marketplace is more complex and opaque than ever, making it increasingly difficult for consumers to understand and advocate for their rights in the digital age. As a result, Consumer Reports (CR) challenged us to design a “smart agent” to mediate interactions between individual consumers and businesses to ensure companies deliver on their promises, specifically in the context of warranties, privacy policies, terms of use etc.

How we learned from from YOU, the consumers...

Fly-on-the-wall Observations
Guerrilla Interviews
Directed Storytelling & Speed Dating

Opportunity: Expanding Consumer Reports' presence to assist and guide consumers effectively after purchases.

Through research, we crafted multiple customer journey maps exploring various sectors like automotive, electronics, and loans. These maps highlighted significant opportunities for aiding consumers post-purchase. Our analysis pinpointed pain points at the pre-purchase Consideration stage and post-purchase phases like Troubleshooting and Service Request. While Consumer Reports assists consumers pre-purchase with detailed product reviews, its presence post-purchase is currently limited. We recognize an opportunity to leverage CR's credibility to guide consumers post-purchase, ensuring they make informed decisions and receive entitled support.

Consumers feel apathy, helplessness, and lack of confidence when confronting businesses to assert their consumer rights.

“I went in circles for 35 mins trying to file a complaint, and it never actually worked… that experience made me feel like I'm not even gonna waste my time right now… this is a black hole, I'm giving up.”

Consumers struggle to access and comprehend company policies because they are intentionally lengthy, technical, and inaccessible.

"I had to go into the website and hunt for the [return policy]. I remember looking for it before my purchase because I was hesitant to buy."

When dealing with customer service, consumers often struggle to find the right channels, gather evidence, and engage with unresponsive representatives.

“Preparing for the call, figuring out what I need. Why did this happen? Do I have a case? It takes time…”
* Read our more in-depth research on

How might we streamline and empower consumers' post-purchase interactions with businesses to reduce cognitive load, emotional strain, and time investment, to ensure transparency and fairness in the marketplace?

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