Figure 1- Paper Prototype Desktop Widget

Figure 2- Paper Prototype Search Results

Figure 3- Paper Prototype Profile Page

Paper Prototypes


Based on feedback from peers concerning the initial wireframes of the system, paper prototypes were created to begin more rigorous user testing. Like the wireframes, the paper prototypes were composed of a desktop widget and a search results page. The paper prototype also included a simple profile page for accessing additional information about a specific person. Figures 1, 2 and 3 on the right, showcase the look of the initial paper prototypes.

The Paper prototypes of our system were brought to New York for testing with millennials currently in the work force. A total of eight users were asked to perform think-alouds on the paper prototypes. Each user went through one practice task to make sure they understood the think-aloud procedure, followed by five actual tasks on our system.


Once the user testing was completed in New York, the results were compiled and summarized so improvements could be made before work began on the high fidelity prototype. Additional information on the results of the paper prototype can be found by downloading the summer report from the home page.