MHCI Sample Study Plans
Here are sample plans for both a full-time student and part-time study. The MHCI degree is designed to be earned in one year, August through August, in three semesters of study.
There are no remote or online programs or schedules available.
Full-Time Study
Fall |
Spring |
Summer |
Part-Time Study
Approved part-time domestic students will work with the MHCI Director of Student Affairs to set up an appropriate plan of study. By exercising this option, you will be able to tailor completion of the coursework to suit your needs. You will work with an adviser to set up an appropriate plan of study.
Ideally, part-time students should be able to complete the degree within a period of two years by taking two courses per semester, including summers. During the summer HCI Project II course, students are expected to be enrolled as full-time students, and should make the appropriate arrangements with their employers for leave. Part-time students must also be aware that all HCI core courses are held during the day, so it is not possible to complete the degree as a night student.
The following is a sample part-time plan of study that keeps in mind required course sequences:
First Year Fall |
First Year Spring |
First Year Summer |
Second Year Fall |
Second Year Spring |
Second Year Summer |
*Part-time students are required to be full-time when taking 05-672: HCI Project II