Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction
Course Information
Course Number
HCI Undergraduate: 05-180
Course Description
Why are things so hard to use? Why doesn’t this thing I bought work? Why is this app so weird? How do I go back? These are frustrations that we have all faced from systems not designed with humans in mind. In this course, we explore how we can better design human-centered systems that people find useful and usable. This course is a broad introduction to designing, prototyping, and evaluating user interfaces. If you take only one course in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), this is the course for you! We will cover theory as well as practical application of ideas from Human-Computer Interaction. We will also touch on a series of foundational background topics including the history of computer interfaces, human cognition/perception, observational techniques and experiment design. Coursework includes lectures, class discussion, homework, class presentations, and group projects.
This class is open to all students, with either technical or non-technical backgrounds. However, there is a programming prerequisite.
Some experience with programming is a course prerequisite, as you be expected to code small assignments.
Semester Offered and Units
Spring 2025 Mini 3 & Mini 4
Enrollment Requirements
This course is for first-year students who are interested in learning more about HCI, especially first-year SCS students considering the primary HCI major.
This course will be open to first-year students outside of SCS after SCS first-years have enrolled.