Full-Day Workshops

Title Presenter(s) Summary Location
Jeff Bigham, Steven Dow and Niki Kittur

Computers can do more when some operations are done by people, and people can do more when they work as part of impromptu groups. In our research, we’ve used crowdsourcing and human computation to build reliable speech-to-text systems, drive robots in real time, provide critiques for designers, and make sense of massive amounts of complex information. In this workshop, we’ll work together in small teams to produce something tangible using crowdsourcing tools and methods.

We’ll start with tutorials that will quickly introduce crowdsourcing and human computation, and then we’ll move on to actually using them to do real things. We’ll teach you to (i) utilize various crowdsourcing platforms, (ii) interpret results you get back from the crowd and (iii) incorporate the crowd into interactive systems. During the last four hours of the workshop, we’ll split into groups to work together to "build something with the crowd." You’ll leave with new collaborators, a new toolset and the thing you’ve created.

NSH 3612
The Future of MOOCs
Carolyn Rose This workshop will consist of a combination of short research talks, instruction and hands-on experiences related to work toward the next generation of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). A major limitation of the current generation of MOOCs is a lack of opportunity for students to make use of each other as resources. Analyses of attrition and learning in MOOCs point to the importance of social engagement for motivational support and overcoming difficulties with material and course procedures. We will present research toward development of interventions to address these limitations, which we are preparing to deploy in an upcoming Data, Analytics and Learning MOOC offered through EdX. Research talks will present work exploring factors associated with attrition in MOOCs so that students who are at risk can be identified automatically. In particular, in this work we specifically explore the impact of motivation and cognitive engagement, confusion, student attitudes towards course affordances, relationship development and relationship loss. NSH 4201

Morning Sessions

Title Presenter(s) Summary Location
Supporting Individualized Learning-by-Doing in Online Environments
Vincent Aleven Workshop participants will use the Cognitive Tutor Authoring Tools
(CTAT, ) created at CMU, to create a working tutor prototype. These tools support both (fully) non-programmer and for-programmer authoring. Online learning has become widespread, and many claim it will revolutionize higher education and K-12. How can we make sure online learning is maximally effective? Online courses must offer learning-by-doing experiences to learners and must adapt to learners to individualize these learning experiences. One technique is the use of cognitive modeling to personalize practice of complex cognitive skills in intelligent tutoring systems (ITSs), supported by the CTAT tools. This approach, which has strong roots at CMU, is quite possibly the most impactful application of cognitive science to education. It is also commercially successful.

NSH 1507

* New Room *

Journey Mapping & Service Blueprinting
Kerry Bodine Customer experience is not just the responsibility of one group or department. Every person in an organization impacts the customer experience in some way, and all employees must be aligned in order to produce customer interactions that are useful, easy and enjoyable. This requires tools that help both frontline and behind-the-scenes staff understand the end-to-end customer experience from the customer perspective — and the role they personally play. In this workshop, participants will get hands-on experience creating journey maps and service blueprints. We’ll discuss what these tools are, how they can be used to drive experience improvements and organizational change, and how participants can leverage them within their own companies. 300 South Craig Street, Room 172
Intro to Game Design
Jessica Hammer In this hands-on workshop, you'll learn some of the fundamental concepts of game design — going deeper than points and levels — and apply them to make your first game. We'll be exploring the playful potential of physical materials, but we'll also discuss how to move the concepts you've learned to the digital realm. Come prepared to get your hands dirty, and bring your sense of fun! NSH 4602

Intro to Electronics Prototyping

Chris Harrison A crash course in basic electronics prototyping using Arduino and simple sensors (from buttons and knobs to light and vibration sensors). Designed for people with no prior electronics skills. Some programming experience helpful. Come build a strange gadget or musical instrument! We'll even do some soldering practice. 407 South Craig Street, Second Floor HCI Loft
Speed Dating: Moving Unconventional Product Ideas From Ideation to Iterative Design
John Zimmerman

UX designers rely on design patterns and well-known social mores as guides when designing new products and services. But this does not work when they want to make radically new things — things with no design patterns and things that place interaction into social situations that do not yet exist. When envisioning these new things, it is very easy for design teams to make false assumptions about what people want, or what they will or won't do. It's easy to create products and services customers reject.

The speed dating design method helps reduce this risk. When people speed date for romance, they experience tiny sips of many possible, future mates. At the end of the evening, they know very little about any of the people they met, but they have a much clearer idea of what they want and fear. The speed dating design method works the same way. Design teams share scenarios of several provocative, possible futures and then engage a set of target users in conversation about what they desire and what they fear.

407 South Craig Street, Room 104

Afternoon Sessions

Title Presenter(s) Summary Location 
Designing the HCI/UX Education Experience of Tomorrow
Laura Ballay Want to time-travel a bit? In this fun hands-on session, we will imagine what the future of HCI/UX learning might look like in the near future and how it could be delivered. Bring your wish list of dream courses, seminars, skills, speakers and lectures that you wish existed ... or even a description of the mythical UX practicioner you wish you could find. 300 South Craig Street, Room 201
* New Room *
Contextual Design Evolved: New Models and New Ideation Techniques
Karen Holtzblatt First invented more than 25 years ago, contextual design is a complete front-end user-centered design process. And while technology has substantially evolved over the years, contextual design has remained essentially unchanged, becoming an industry standard that is used in a wide range of companies and taught in universities all over the world. Unchanged — until now. In this workshop, Karen Holtzblatt (inventor of contextual design) will explain what triggered the Cool Project research leading to the changes in contextual design and the resulting Cool Concepts. Participants will then have hands-on experience using new contextual design models ( Day-in-the-Life, Collaboration, Identity, Relationship, and Sensation) followed by practice with new ideation (visioning) techniques. 300 South Craig Street, Room 172
New Fabrication Techniques for HCI Prototyping
Scott Hudson This workshop will provide an overview of new (and not so new) fabrication technologies that can be applied to custom HCI device prototyping, iterative development, and rapid manufacturing. Technologies considered will include CNC milling and cutting as well as a range of newer additive manufacturing (3D printing) techniques. A substantial hands-on design and making activity using a laser cutter will be included. 407 South Craig Street, Room 104
History and Future of Interaction Techniques
Brad Myers Ever wonder where "copy and paste" came from, or why the "thumb" of scroll bars goes down when you scroll up? How will we interact with computers and electronic devices in the future? This half-day tutorial will summarize the content of my new course on the many ways to interact with computers and computerized devices. An “interaction technique” starts when the user does something that causes an electronic device to respond, and includes the direct feedback from the device to the user. Examples include physical buttons and switches, on-screen menus and scroll bars operated by a mouse, touch screen widgets and gestures such as flick-to-scroll, text entry on computers or touch screens, consumer electronic controls such as remote controls, game controllers, and adaptations of all of these for people with disabilities. We will cover the history of the invention and development of techniques, discuss some of the options used today, and continue on to the future with the latest research on interaction techniques presented at conferences such as ACM CHI and UIST. NSH 1507


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