How UX Techniques Promote Simulation Software for Everyone

Imran Riaz with guest Jared Pryor
Manager of User Experience, ANSYS Inc.
Newell-Simon Hall 1305 (Michael Mauldin Auditorium)
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At ANSYS, we create simulation software that is a key component of the product development process, helping to validate the effectiveness of designs before they are built. Simulation techniques impact all types of products, from automobiles, to circuits, to pipes, to airplanes. ANSYS is working to create a vision where simulation software doesn’t rest in the hands of a few expert users, but rather is democratized so that all engineers are empowered to incorporate this into their decision making on product design. In order to achieve this vision, simulation software must change to be flexible to the needs of both the highly trained engineer who is a master in the software, and an engineer who wants a simple and streamlined way to run simulations and retrieve information that will help them make a decision. To understand the different workflows of these engineers, goals, needs and successfully incorporate them into the next generation of simulation software, utilizing the user-centered design process will be key. Like many companies that create enterprise software, user experience techniques can be foreign, and there is often confusion, resistance, even possibly hostility towards changing the way the software is created. We have made a thoughtful approach to introduce aspects of the user-centered design approach to improve and supplement the way ANSYS creates simulation software, and to help ensure our vision is achieved.
Speaker's Bio
Imran Riaz is a passionate and experienced UX leader. He is currently leading the UX group for ANSYS, a multi-Billion-dollar software company based right here in Pittsburgh. In his current role he manages a diverse and multi-disciplinary team for Design Research, Product Design and Experience Strategy practices. He has been working in the software industry for over 20 years with an emphasis on great user experience as well as promoting the UX discipline itself. With that purpose in mind in 2010, Imran founded the Midwest UX conference to promote UX leadership and local UX in the Midwest area. He also served as the North America Director for UXPA. He was the founding member and President of the UXPA Columbus chapter. In his spare time, he focuses on volunteering for the promotion of educational and other worthy causes. He is a UX leader with a local presence, but with global reach. He is a public speaker on UX and leadership, and is active at local and national levels.
Speaker's Website
Brad Myers