HCII Seminar Series - Loren Terveen

Loren Terveen
Distinguished McKnight University Professor, Computer Science & Engineering, The University of Minnesota
Newell-Simon Hall 1305
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"Wikipedia as a Social Computing Laboratory: 20 Years of Research (and Counting)"
I’ve been doing research in Wikipedia for almost 20 years. It has been a laboratory where my collaborators and I have studied the social dynamics of the peer production of knowledge and introduced a variety of new technical tools designed to improve the encyclopedia and the Wikipedia community. I will touch on some of the highlights, including studies that quantified how Wikipedia content was produced and the nature of the content and editing gender gap in Wikipedia, and tools that aim to direct editor effort where needed and improve the socialization of new Wikipedia editors. I also will talk about ongoing and planned work, for example, as my colleagues and I look to enrich the types of knowledge Wikipedia includes.
Speaker's Bio
I am a Distinguished McKnight University Professor of Computer Science & Engineering at The University of Minnesota, where I also co-lead the GroupLens Research Lab. My research areas are social computing, human-computer interaction, and intelligent systems. I focus on issues including detecting and addressing bias, methods for doing ethical research with online communities, and integrating human and machine intelligence in systems like Wikipedia. I have interface design expertise in contexts including mobile and location-aware systems, and web search and information management. I am active in my professional community, for example, having served as President of ACM’s Special Interest Group on Human-Computer Interaction and chaired the main conferences in my field. I also consult frequently on intellectual property litigation cases in my areas of expertise.
Speaker's Website
Motahhare Eslami