HCII Seminar Series - Takahiro Yabe

Takahiro Yabe
Assistant Professor, Department of Technology Management and Innovation (TMI), Center for Urban Science and Progress (CUSP), Tandon School of Engineering, New York University
Newell-Simon Hall 1305
Video link
"Understanding the Complexity of Social Interactions at the City Scale"
The quantity and quality of social encounters in urban environments are crucial elements that drive economic mobility and build social capital. Where in cities do we observe the most and least diversity in these encounters? How have the nature and patterns of social interactions evolved before, during, and after the pandemic? (link) What economic impacts do these urban social interactions have on local small and medium-sized businesses, and how do shocks propagate across space and time? (link) In this talk, I will explore these questions through computational social science and complex systems approaches, utilizing a large-scale, privacy-enhanced mobility dataset from anonymized mobile phone users in the US.
Speaker's Bio
Takahiro Yabe is an assistant professor at New York University, where he directs the Resilient Urban Networks Lab. His research develops computational methods to understand collective social dynamics during disruptions such as disasters and pandemics. He was previously a postdoctoral associate at the MIT Institute for Data, Systems, and Society (IDSS) and Media Lab with Alex ‘Sandy’ Pentland. He received his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from Purdue University and Master's and Bachelor's Degrees from the University of Tokyo. He is a recipient of the Emerging Researcher Award from the Complex Systems Society.
Speaker's Website
Hirokazu Shirado