Augmenting Intelligence course Project Exhibition
In Person, Gates-Hillman Center's 4th floor commons area (4300 / 4400 GHC, by the entrance from Forbes Ave)
This semester, students in the 05-499/05-899: Augmenting Intelligence (Augi) course have explored the design of interactive systems aimed at augmenting & amplifying human cognitive capabilities. You are invited to stop by at the public exhibition. Students will present research posters, interactive demos, and art pieces around cognitive augmentation for decision-making, sensemaking, metacognition, perception, memory, and more. In several cases, students are planning to continue their projects next semester (e.g., with the goal of pursuing a research publication). Your questions and feedback can help inform their next steps! The course explores the design and evaluation of technologies that aim to augment and amplify human cognitive capabilities. We will examine historical visions of “augmented intelligence” across various fields, including human-computer interaction, artificial intelligence, cognitive science, collective intelligence, and computer-supported cooperative work.
Faculty Host: Kenneth Holstein Open to the CMU Community