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Exploring How Social Identities Develop in Online Groups and Relationships

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Tom Postmes
Professor of Social Psychology, Universities of Groningen and Exeter


Posner Hall 151

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In research of online communities and groups, a sharp distinction is maintained between interpersonal processes and social identity processes. Traditionally, it is assumed that social identities are the product of intergroup comparisons between “us” and “them.” Recently we began exploring the influence of intra-group processes and interpersonal relations on the formation and transformation of social identity. Research illustrates that this “bottom-up” process is particularly relevant for the transformation of interpersonal networks into cohesive and productive virtual teams, online groups and communities.

Speaker's Bio

Tom Postmes is professor of social psychology at the Universities of Groningen (NL) and Exeter (UK). His research interests are group processes and communication, focusing in particular on the topics of social influence, the formation of group norms, collective action and intergroup conflict. He is an expert on the social psychological study of online groups and on the interface between social and personal identity.

Speaker's Website

Robert Kraut