Honest Signals: Harnessing Social Signals to Shape Group Behavior

Alex “Sandy” Pentland
Professor and Director Human Dynamics Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Newell-Simon Hall 1305 (Michael Mauldin Auditorium)
We have invented the technology of reality mining, which analyzes sensor data to extract subtle patterns that predict future human behavior. These predictive patterns begin with biological “honest signals,” human behaviors that evolved from ancient primate signaling mechanisms, and which are major factors in human decision making in situations ranging from job interviews to first dates. By using data from mobile phones, electronic ID badges, and digital media to track these honest signals, we can create a “gods eye” view of how the people in organizations interact, and even “see” the rhythms of interaction for everyone in a city.
Management insights based on Honest Signals were named a “Breakthrough Idea of 2009” by Harvard Business Review, and Reality Mining was declared “a technology poised to change the world” by Technology Review. This new view of human nature, organizations, and society is the subject of my book Honest Signals, published by MIT Press.
Speaker's Bio
Professor Alex (“Sandy”) Pentland is a pioneer in computational social science, organizational engineering, and mobile information systems. He directs the Human Dynamics Lab, helping companies to become more productive and creative through organizational engineering, and the Media Lab Entrepreneurship Program, which helps translate cutting-edge technology into real-world impact around the world. He is among the most-cited computer scientists in the world.
Speaker's Website
Robert Kraut