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Immersive Virtual Environments for Education

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Alan White and Dr. Brian Slator
North Dakota State University


Newell-Simon Hall 1305 (Michael Mauldin Auditorium)


The NDSU World Wide Web Instructional Committee (WWWIC) program for designing and developing educational media implements a coherent strategy for all of its efforts. This strategy is to deploy teaching systems that share critical assumptions and technologies in order to leverage from each others efforts. In particular, systems are designed to employ consistent elements across disciplines and, as a consequence, foster the potential for intersecting development plans and common tools for that development.

Speaker's Bio

Dr. Brian Slator is Professor of Computer Science at North Dakota State University. His research interests are Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Educational Media. He is currently involved in several research projects in the area of immersive, multi-user, virtual environments. He is also involved in research for developing software tools for constructing virtual worlds, and innovative methods for assessing learning in virtual environments.

Dr. Alan R. White is Professor of Biological Sciences and Dean of the College of Science and Mathematics at North Dakota State University. His plant cell biology research interests include the structure of plant cell walls, the synthesis of cell wall polysaccharides, and the structure and functional organization of Golgi membranes in plant cells. His interests in cell biology are also channeled into the development of the Virtual Cell, a virtual environment for teaching cell biology.

Speaker's Website

Richard Scheines