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Voyagers and Voyeurs: Supporting Asynchronous Collaborative Information Visualization

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Jeffrey Heer
Visualization Lab and Berkeley Institute of Design


Newell-Simon Hall 1305 (Michael Mauldin Auditorium)

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In this talk, I will describe our work recasting interactive information visualizations as not just analytic tools, but social spaces supporting collective data analysis. I'll discuss the design and implementation of, a web site supporting asynchronous collaboration across a variety of visualization types. The site supports view sharing, discussion, graphical annotation, and social navigation and includes novel interaction elements. Finally, I will report the results of user studies of the system, observing emergent patterns of social data analysis, cycles of observation and hypothesis, and the complementary roles of social navigation and data-driven exploration.

Speaker's Bio

Jeff Heer is a Ph.D. candidate at UC Berkeley in the Computer Science Division and the Berkeley Institute of Design, where he researches various topics in human-computer interaction, particularly information visualization and social computing. His advisor is Prof. Maneesh Agrawala. Over the years, Jeff has additionally worked at Xerox PARC, IBM Research, Microsoft Research, and Tableau Software. Jeff is also the author of prefuse, an open-source framework for creating interactive visualizations.

Speaker's Website

Anind Dey