Jennifer Mankoff Discusses 3D Printing With Forbes

3D printing has been quietly moving towards a radical revolution over the past several years. While it has already exceeded 5.1 billion, its growth has been relatively slow, and not as disruptive as some might have envisioned. Instead, 3D printing has been advancing to its quiet revolution through applications like medical technology and industrial manufacturing.
In a recent Forbes article, Human-Computer Interaction Institute Professor Jennifer Mankoff shared how 3D printing creates the perfect opportunity to deliver custom and cost-efficient prosthetics and assistive devices for people who are otherwise unable to perform daily tasks with the current devices available to them.
"What people need is simple – a better way to hold a knitting needle, roll out dough or open a jar," said Mankoff. "Yet finding individually customized solutions to each of these problems is almost impossible. When it comes to such task-specific, custom prosthetics, mass production isn't really an option."
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