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Ogan Helps State Department Improve English Education

Amy Ogan

Helping people learn American English is an integral part of U.S. public diplomacy, and HCII Assistant Professor Amy Ogan is part of a new working group that will help the U.S. Department of State use technology to make their English educational outreach efforts more effective. Ogan was one of a select group of academic, industry and governmental representatives invited to participate in Technology in English, a daylong workshop Sept. 15 at the White House Conference Center in Washington, D.C.

Ogan said State Department officials would like to use technology, such as mobile technology, natural language processing, open learning platforms and massive open online courses (MOOCs) to increase worldwide access to English language instruction resources.

The workshop participants spent much of the day brainstorming about how that could be achieved and about the kind of partnerships that might help make that a reality.

"Rather than simply discuss, participants in the workshop used human-centered design techniques to start developing solutions, something that is second nature at the HCII," said Ogan, an educational technologist who studies how to make learning experiences effective and engaging for learners from diverse backgrounds.

Read the full story on the School of Computer Science News page.