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Retrospective video debuts at HCII 25th anniversary party


guests watch the HCII retrospective video inside the Warhol auditorium

In 1994, a group of Carnegie Mellon University faculty members created an interdisciplinary, collaborative institute (that's us!) to integrate the previously siloed areas of computer science, psychology and design.

In celebration of the silver anniversary of the Human-Computer Interaction Institute (HCII), we set out to create a retrospective video this year. After taking bids from several local creative firms, we partnered with BOOM Creative on the project.

We hosted BOOM for several days over the summer to gather footage of our people, research and labs, and we set the goal of debuting the final video during our 25th Anniversary Celebration in October. HCII happy hour guests enjoyed the first screening of the retrospective video inside the auditorium of the Warhol Museum.

“BOOM really captured the history and essence of the HCII, from the story of how it was founded to the great spirit of the staff, students, and faculty that are here today," said Jodi Forlizzi, Geschke Director and Professor at the HCII. "They helped to tell our important story, and convey how fundamentally important people are here -- the people who design, study, and build systems, and more importantly, the stakeholders that we build them for, and those who use them.”

Click or tap the video below to take a walk down HCII memory lane with us.