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Virtual Talks from CHI 2020


HCII and CHI logos side by side


The 2020 international ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) was scheduled to take place this week (April 25 to 30, 2020) in Honolulu, Hawaii, but was canceled due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Although there is no in-person event or official virtual CHI conference, individual groups were permitted to self-organize virtual events.

On behalf of our authors, the HCII is sharing blog posts and prerecorded versions of our researchers' CHI 2020 presentations below.


Pre-recorded talks:

Watch the recordings on the CMU HCII Virtually Presents CHI 2020 Talks YouTube Playlist embedded below. Or, to select a specific video from the playlist, click the menu button in the top right corner of the video pane to view the list. 


Blog posts: