PhD Alumni (non-HCII)
PhD Alumni | PhD Alumni (non-HCII) | Masters Alumni | Undergraduate Alumni
The following alumni earned their PhD from other departments prior to 2005, doing HCI work with HCII faculty.
Gregory S. Aist, Philosophy
Advisor: Jack Mostow
Erik Altmann, Computer Science
Currently: George Mason University
Advisor: Bonnie John
Suresh Bhavnani, Computational Design and Human Computer Interaction
Currently: University of Michigan
HCI Advisor: Bonnie John
Computational Design Advisor: Ulrich Flemming
Diana Gant, Social and Decision Sciences
Currently: Indiana University
Advisor: Sara Kiesler
Bill Hefley, Social and Decision Sciences
Currently: University of Pittsburgh
Advisor: Sara Kiesler
Pam Hinds, Social and Decision Sciences
Currently: Stanford University
Advisor: Sara Kiesler
James Landay, Computer Science
Currently: University of Washington
Advisor: Brad Myers
Rich McDaniel, 1999
Currently: Siemens Research
Advisor: Brad Myers
Jeffrey McVeigh, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Currently: Intel
Advisors: Mel Siegel and Angel Jordan
Rob Miller, 2002
Current: MIT
Advisor: Brad Myers
Francesmary Modugno, 1995
Currently: Faculty at the University of Pittsburgh
Advisor: Brad Myers
John Pane, Computer Science
Currently: RAND
Advisor: Brad Myers
Susan Harkness Regli, Rhetoric
Currently: Lockheed Martin ATL
Advisor: Christine M. Neuwirth
Sriram Sethuraman, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Currently: Sarnoff Laboratories
Advisors: Mel Siegel and Angel Jordan
Jeff Stylos, Computer Science
Currently: Microsoft Visual Studio Team
Advisors: Brad Myers