secondar title

Test collection The title cards SCS researchers worked with Black girls to better understand their ideas about AI. As part of the research, the girls designed humanoid AI-powered robots, which displayed hairstyles similar to the learners’ — a robot representation not often shown in popular media.

AI Should Be Kind and Fair, Young Black Girls Tell CMU Researchers

When asked about future uses for artificial intelligence, a group of fifth- and sixth-grade Black students attending a summer camp a...

Researchers in the HCII used comics to explore how community-centered AI design can include both the people experiencing homelessness and the frontline workers who use AI to help them.

CMU Researchers Use Comics To Explain AI-Supported Public Housing System to People Who Need It Most

As artificial intelligence becomes more accessible and prevalent in everyday life, the humans who use it should still be central to ...

Researchers at Carnegie Mellon have created soft robots that can seamlessly shift from walking to swimming.

Researchers Develop Soft Robot That Shifts From Land to Sea With Ease

Most animals can quickly transition from walking to jumping to crawling to swimming if needed without reconfiguring or making major ...