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View our recent news stories below.  Looking for an upcoming event?  Visit our website calendar to view our public events, including our weekly Seminar Series on Friday afternoons.

  • HCII Seminar Series: Chad Jones

    Chad Jones is a entrepreneur, thought leader and angel investor across multiple industries.  His unique vision takes big ideas from inception through execution resulting in highly profitable outcomes including six exits to companies such as Microsoft, VMware and Intel.  He has over eighteen years' experience driving strategic initiatives for start-ups and F50 companies and has traveled the planet discussing a vision for a better world through technology. As Vice President, Internet of Things Strategy at LogMeIn, Mr.

  • Barbarians

    Ambra Trotto's fascinations lie in how to empower ethics, through design, using digital and non digital technologies as materials. Strongly believing in the power of Making, Ambra works with makers, builders, craftsmen, dancers and designers to shape societal transformation. Within her design research activity, she produces co-design methods to boost transdisciplinary design conversations.

  • CHI 2022

    The international ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (also known as CHI) begins this week.

  • Post-Doc Short Talks 1

    Sangwon Bae: Dr. Bae is a postdoctoral researcher in the Human–Computer Interaction Institute at Carnegie Mellon University. She earned her Ph.D. in Cognitive Science and Engineering from the Yonsei University and worked at SK and Samsung before returning to academia. Her research has focused on using smartphones and wearable trackers to understand human perception and to develop models of behavior based on mobile systems.

  • Building a future for theatrical play: Designing for Expressive Participatory Mixed Reality Performance

    Dr. Theresa Jean Tanenbaum (“Tess”) is a game designer, artist, maker, and assistant professor in the Department of Informatics at the Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences at the University of California-Irvine where she is a founding member of the Transformative Play Lab. She received her PhD from the School of Interactive Arts + Technology at Simon Fraser University.

  • End-user Software Engineering

    Margaret Burnett has been involved in HCI aspects of programming language research for many years. She is the principal architect of the Forms/3, a spreadsheet-like research language for exploring the boundaries of the spreadsheet paradigm, and of the FAR multi-paradigm programming language for end users. Most recently her interests have centered on end-user software engineering. Burnett is a past recipient of the National Science Foundation’s Young Investigator Award.

  • Seminar: Charlton McIlwain

    Author of the new book Black Software: The Internet & Racial Justice, From the Afronet to Black Lives Matter, Charlton McIlwain is Vice Provost for Faculty Engagement & Development at New York University and Professor of Media, Culture, and Communication. His work focuses on the intersections of computing technology, race, inequality, and racial justice activism.

  • Establishing mutual understanding in online medical advice

    Regina (Ina) Jucks is Assistant Professor at the University of Muenster, Department for Educational Psychology. She received a diploma in Psychology in 1997 and her Ph.D. in Psychology in 2001. Her Ph.D. thesis was on computer-expert’s capability of perspective taking with regard to layperson’s views and to layperson’s understanding of computer related texts. She is interested in analyzing how systematic knowledge divergences, like those that occur between experts and layperson, do influence communication effectiveness.

  • HCII Seminar Series - Susan Wyche

    Dr. Susan Wyche (she/her) is an Associate Professor in the Department of Media and Information at Michigan State University (MSU) and has a courtesy appointment in MSU’s African Studies Center. Her research primarily contributes to the Human Computer Interaction (HCI) and Information and Communication Technology for Development (ICTD) fields. She is interested in developing an understanding of technology use in sub-Saharan Africa, that is grounded in people’s experiences. To achieve this goal, she conducts fieldwork in—primarily Kenyan sites—that she has been visiting since 2008.

  • Designing Products for the Self

    John Zimmerman holds a joint appointment as an Assistant Professor at Carnegie Mellon’s Human-Computer Interaction Institute and at the School of Design. His research focuses on how people interact with intelligent systems including both office productivity software that automates procedural tasks and interfaces that allow homeowners to take control of their smart homes. In addition, he teaches fundamentals of interaction design and methods of human-computer.

  • A Case Study: Applying Knowledge from the MsHCI Program in Industry

    Karen Cross (MsHCI, 2000) and Keith Knudsen (MsHCI, expected 2001) have been working at Cerebellum Software for the past two years. Cerebellum is a CMU technology start-up, a leader in the field of Internet Data Integration. Prior to working at Cerebellum, Karen worked with Ken Koedinger of the HCII on the PACT project. Keith worked with Bonnie John of the HCII performing research on a GOMS modelling tool.

  • Building Robots with Presence: from the Conference Room to the Stage

    Dr. Cynthia Breazeal directs the Robotic Presence Group at the MIT Media Lab. She has developed numerous autonomous robots, from planetary micro-rovers, to upper-torso humanoid robots, to highly expressive robotic faces. Always inspired by the behavior of living systems, scientific models and theories as well as artistic insights factor heavily into the hardware and software design of her robotic creations. Her current interests focus on human-robot interaction and socially situated learning between people and autonomous robots. She received her Sc.D. and S.M.