Cleotilde Gonzalez
Research Professor
Affiliated Faculty

Campus Address
Porter Hall 223-C
Research Areas
Cleotilde (Coty) Gonzalez is a Research Professor of Decision Sciences, the Founding Director of the Dynamic Decision Making Laboratory (DDMLab), and the Research Co-Director of the NSF National Institute for AI for Societal Decision Making (AI-SDM) at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU). Coty’s main affiliation is with the Department of Social and Decision Sciences (SDS). She is also affiliated to the Security and Privacy Institute (CyLab), the Societal Computing program in the Software and Societal Systems Department (S3D), the Human-Computer Interaction Institute (HCII) in the School of Computer Science at CMU; and with the Center for Behavioral Decision Research (CBDR), the Center for Neural Basis of Cognition (CNBC) and other units at Carnegie Mellon University.
Coty is a lifetime Fellow of the Cognitive Science Society and the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. She is also a member of the Governing Board of the Cognitive Science Society, a Member at Large of the Policy Council of the System Dynamics Society, and a Committee member of the National Academies Division Committee for the Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education (DBASSE). Coty is Senior Editor for Topics in Cognitive Science, Consulting Editor for Decision, Consulting Editor for Psychological Review, and Associate Editor for the System Dynamics Review. She is also a member of multiple other editorial boards including: Cognitive Science, Perspectives on Psychological Science, and others.
Coty’s work focuses on the experimental studies and computational representations of the cognitive processes involved in decisions from experience in dynamic environments. She is widely published across many fields deriving from her contributions to Cognitive Science. Her work includes the development of a theory of decisions from experience called Instance-Based Learning Theory (IBLT, from which many computational models have emerged in areas as diverse as: cybersecurity, network science, human-machine teaming, and others. She has been Principal or Co-Investigator on a wide range of multi-million and multi-year collaborative efforts with government and industry, including current efforts on Collaborative Research Alliances (CRA) and Multi-University Research Initiative grants from the Army Research Laboratories (ARL) and Army Research Office (ARO) and large collaborative projects with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). She has mentored more than 50 post-doctoral fellows and doctoral students, many of whom have pursued successful careers in academia, government, and industry.
Coty is an avid painter and biker, activities that she enjoys in her free time. For Coty's full CV and more information see her personal webpage