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A Case Study: Applying Knowledge from the MsHCI Program in Industry
Karen Cross (MsHCI, 2000) and Keith Knudsen (MsHCI, expected 2001) have been working at Cerebellum Software for the past two years. Cerebellum is a CMU technology start-up, a leader in the field of Internet Data Integration. Prior to working at Cerebellum, Karen worked with Ken Koedinger of the HCII on the PACT project. Keith worked with Bonnie John of the HCII performing research on a GOMS modelling tool.
Master of Science in Robotics Thesis Talk
Building Robots with Presence: from the Conference Room to the Stage
Dr. Cynthia Breazeal directs the Robotic Presence Group at the MIT Media Lab. She has developed numerous autonomous robots, from planetary micro-rovers, to upper-torso humanoid robots, to highly expressive robotic faces. Always inspired by the behavior of living systems, scientific models and theories as well as artistic insights factor heavily into the hardware and software design of her robotic creations. Her current interests focus on human-robot interaction and socially situated learning between people and autonomous robots. She received her Sc.D. and S.M.
Master of Science in Robotics Thesis Talk
Envisioning Living Connections: from technology to humanity
Jenna is currently a co-founder of Fit Associates, LLC. Fit’s intention is to lead, nurture, connect and equip conscious clients for the greatest impact for the common good. Fit’s industry client list includes Nissan, Comcast, Whirlpool, SAP, Microsoft and Respironics. Increasingly, Fit is turning its attention to work in sustainability, local development, and other issues whose scope exceeds the reach of any one organization.
Language Technologies Institute: 3rd Annual MIIS Perspective Panel 2022
Honest Signals: Harnessing Social Signals to Shape Group Behavior
Professor Alex (“Sandy”) Pentland is a pioneer in computational social science, organizational engineering, and mobile information systems. He directs the Human Dynamics Lab, helping companies to become more productive and creative through organizational engineering, and the Media Lab Entrepreneurship Program, which helps translate cutting-edge technology into real-world impact around the world. He is among the most-cited computer scientists in the world.
HCII PhD Communication Requirement Talks
Biomedical Informatics & HCI: Challenges and Opportunities
Harry Hochheiser is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biomedical Informatics at the University of Pittsburgh. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University in Maryland, with a dissertation focusing on interactive visualization of time series data sets. Dr. Hochheiser’s research has covered a range of topics, including human-computer interaction, information visualization, bioinformatics, universal usability, security, privacy, and public policy implications of computing systems. Dr.
HCII PhD Thesis Defense: Samantha Reig
Supporting Discursive Instruction Online and In the Classroom with Intelligent Conversational Agents
Dr. Rosé is an Associate Professor of Language Technologies and Human-Computer Interaction in the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. Her research program is focused on better understanding the social and pragmatic nature of conversation, and using this understanding to build computational systems that can improve the efficacy of conversation between people, and between people and computers. In order to pursue these goals, she invokes approaches from computational discourse analysis and text mining, conversational agents, and computer supported collaborative learning.
HCII Seminar Series - Leilani Battle
Leilani Battle is an Assistant Professor in the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Washington and co-director of the UW Interactive Data Lab. Her research spans the areas of data management, HCI, and data visualization.
The Power of Examples
Scott is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at Stanford University, where he co-directs the Human-Computer Interaction Group. Organizations around the world use his lab’s open-source design tools and curricula; several books and popular press articles have covered his research and teaching.
Invited Talk with Yudai Tanaka
Yudai Tanaka is a PhD student in the Department of Computer Science at University of Chicago advised by