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Human-Agent and Human-Robot Interaction

Our relationships with robots can be complicated. A healthcare robot can improve quality of life if used to provide support during rehab, but a delivery robot blocking a curb on a busy street is dangerous to someone who needs to get onto the sidewalk. And beyond just our physical interactions with robots, the psychology of human-robot interaction (HRI) explores how we perceive, interact with, and respond to robots.


Human-robot interaction is an interdisciplinary field, with elements of robotics, psychology, communication, collaboration, safety, usability, AI, and more.  


Students who want to learn more about human-robot interaction might be interested in the following CMU courses: 

  • A drawing of a smiling robot with open arms wearing a sign that says "Caution, pedestrian cross" set against a real background of an urban crosswalk pedestrians and a dog are trying to use.

    Robots Could Clear Snow, Assist at Crosswalks, Monitor Sidewalks for Traffic


    HCII researchers have found that when roboticists and people with disabilities collaborate on robot designs, they generate interesting ideas that could make existing robots more accessible...