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Service Design and AI Innovation

Service design is a human-centered approach that focuses on improving the interaction between a service provider and its users. AI innovation refers to the development and application of new artificial intelligence technologies and methods to solve problems, improve processes, and create new opportunities. 

When these disciplines intersect, service design and AI innovation can lead to improvements across a variety of industries. For example, it’s likely that you have received a personalized suggestion from a retailer online. AI enables businesses to analyze large amounts of user data and provide personalized service recommendations based on individuals’ behaviors and past purchases. It can also make services more efficient and responsive to user needs through predictive analytics, automation and enhanced design tools. 

Students can learn more about service design and AI innovation in the following HCII courses: 

  • HCII logo, grey watermark

    Games and Climate


    How can games help address the challenge of climate change? Through research and design, we are exploring ways that games can motivate collective action, ...

  • Logo for Team Metals Prime

    BloomBoard Collaborate


    Metals Prime, a team of five masters students from Carnegie Mellon University partnered with BloomBoard to envision a product to support educator learning...

  • Seniors and Quality of Life Technology


    We address quality of life issues for seniors who have difficulty interacting with virtual information spaces. We lead projects to improve safe driving th...