Human Assistance
PROJECTCareMedia uses behavioral capture, storage, and access techniques to create, maintain, and present a patient’s behavioral log to care-givers. Our current ...
Automatically Adapting Interfaces to User Needs
PROJECTWe are working to create graphical user interfaces (GUIs) that automatically detect a user’s needs in order to automatically adjust the interface to accom...
Five Features for Human-Robot Interaction
PROJECTThis project explores how gaze, speech and sound, small movements, gesture, and proximity to the user affects the way that we perceive and work with socia...
IMPACT: Improving and Motivating Physical Activity Through ContexT
PROJECTA large percentage of the US population is overweight or obese, and a leading cause of this is lack of physical activity. Early fieldwork has shown that u...
Improving Driving Routes Through Learning Driver Preferences
PROJECTMost route recommendation systems ignore the context of the driver (e.g. time of day) and the preferences of the driver (e.g. like to avoid highways). Not...
PROJECTStepGreen is an umbrella project that brings together faculty and research from several disciplines including behavioral science, environmental engineerin...
Gestures Project
PROJECTIn face-to-face settings, people use pointing and other gestures to communicate quickly and efficiently with their conversational partners. The aims of th...