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In the Media

  • HCII Highlighted in Huffington Post Piece

    A recent blog in the Huffington Post investigates the evolution of human-computer interaction as a field, and specifically calls out Carne...

  • Hong Hopeful About Smartphone Sensor Data Project

    Sensor data from smartphones has the potential to provide new insight into healthcare, transportation, urban planning and the social scien...

  • Smartwatch prototype

    HCII's Human-Watch Interaction Featured in Digital Trends

    The HCII's Future Interfaces Group and its work on smartwatch technology were recently featured in the Digital Trends article "Your Smartw...

  • Rello Discusses Dyslexia With Wired

    Web developer Victor Windell recently created an online simulation that allows viewers to experience what it’s like to have severe dyslexi...

  • The Voice-Activated Future of Shopping

    Conversant Labs, a technology startup that works on developing voice-enabled app technology, recently launched an app called Say Shopping ...

  • Dey Talks IoT to AV Network

    Since last July, Carnegie Mellon researchers have been working with Google to develop a platform to support Internet of Things (IoT) techn...

  • Technology Helps Map the World for the Visually Impaired

    For the visually impaired, daily tasks like going on a walk, ordering coffee or even navigating a busy college campus to get to class beco...

  • SweepSense detects which earbud has been removed.

    SweepSense Can Automatically Pause Your Music

    For earphone users, pulling your earphones out to address something that's diverted your attention is tedious — it becomes even more tedio...

  • Hong Talks Privacy Day on WESA-FM

    How often do you think twice before downloading an app on your smartphone or posting something on the Internet? Chances are, not often. ...

  • HCII, Facebook Study Shows Social Media Can Improve Your Mood

    Using social media can actually influence how depressed, happy, unsatisfied or fulfilled you are, according to new research from Carnegie ...

  • Snap-To-It Featured in MIT Technology Review

    Imagine that you could connect your smartphone to a nearby "smart" appliance just by taking its photo. Such a luxury could be a possibilit...

  • Nesra Yannier demos EarthShake

    "Educational Engagement" Article Features Cast of HCII Researchers

    HCII researchers take center stage in the article "Educational Engagement" featured this week on the Carnegie Mellon News website.

  • WSJ Thinks HCII Startup Could Help Facebook CEO Meet 2016 Goals

    In 2016, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg aims to build an AI software assistant for his home that can recognize his voice, the cries of his c...

  • Lectures Best for Learning? Koedinger Says No

    Traditional education models generally revolve around lectures, but new findings from HCII Professor Ken Koedinger and a team of Carnegie ...

  • EM-Sense Technology identifies a refidgerator.

    EM-Sense Mentioned in More Than 80 Media Outlets

    A team from the HCII and Disney Research has developed a technology that could enable smartwatches to automatically recognize the objects ...

  • The horse's tail is made from 3-D printed hair.

    3-D Printed Hair's a Hit

    HCII researchers have found a way to produce hair-like strands, fibers and bristles using a common, low-cost 3-D printer — and the world h...

  • Ken Koedinger

    Slate Calls Out Koedinger's Contributions to Learning Technologies

    Artificially intelligent software is changing the face of the American classroom, and Slate's recent article "No More Pencils, No More Boo...

  • Jason Hong

    Hong Takes on Cybersecurity in Slate

    While you might breathe a sigh of relief when you hear that classified data wasn't stolen in a data breach or cyberattack, that news isn't...

  • Ken Koedinger

    Koedinger Talks LearnSphere in Hechinger Report, U.S. News & World Report

    "LearnSphere, a new $5 million federally funded project at Carnegie Mellon University, aims to become 'the biggest open repository of educ...

  • Adrian deFreitas using an Internet of Things app that automatically downloads transit apps when he is near a bus stop.

    IoT Research Makes Media Waves

    The HCII is leading the charge as Carnegie Mellon researchers work with colleagues at other universities to turn the CMU campus into a liv...