News & Events
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Ogan, Harrison Win Post-Gazette 2014-15 Renovation Inspiration Contest
Faculty members Chris Harrison and Amy Ogan may be known for their HCI research, but their home renovation skills are making local h...
CHI2015: Social Microvolunteering Uses Facebook to Do Good
Photos of food. Check-ins at the gym. Political rants and memes prominently featuring cats. They fill up newsfeeds on social media, ...
CHI2015: Apparition Harnesses the Crowd To Create Real-Time Prototyping
When designing anything — a new video game or the next-big-thing smartphone app — prototyping is key. It allows designers to quickly...
CHI Preview: Carnegie Mellon, Disney Researchers Develop Acoustically Driven Controls for Handheld Devices
As people find ever more inventive uses for smartphones, touchscreens sometimes fall short as control surfaces.
CHI Preview: HCII Researchers Unveil 3D Fabric Printing Technique
Mention 3D printing, and most people will conjure up images of rough plastic items with hard surfaces and sharp angles. Warm and fuz...
Forlizzi To Deliver Keynote at Persuasive Tech 2015
HCII Professor Jodi Forlizzi will deliver the keynote address at Persuasive Technology 2015.
Hong Talks Privacy in Post-Gazette
Associate Professor Jason Hong recently appeared in a Pittsburgh Post-Gazette article that discussed the often-surprising ways in wh...
SCS Rewards HCII Team for Research Excellence
Tinker Toys line the shelves of HCII Professor Scott Hudson's office, joined by electronic gadgets and gizmos of all kinds. A few fe...
Hawking Introduces WorldKit on "Science of the Future"
National Geographic Channel's "Stephen Hawking's Science of the Future" recently featured the HCII's WorldKit project in the episode...
HCII Students Act Out in "Once Upon a Mattress"
The HCII's Amy Shannon (left) tread the boards as Queen Aggravain and first-year Ph.D. student Judy Oden Choi (right) helped produce...
DataSquid Enters Into Partnership With Public Insight
HCII startup DataSquid Inc has entered into a partnership with Public Insight, a benchmarking platform that maximizes the utility of...
HCII Researchers Earn "Best of CHI" Awards
Carnegie Mellon's Human-Computer Interaction Institute earned a total of seven awards when the Association for Computing Machinery's...
Cassell Delivers Keynote at CyberLearning 2015
HCII Professor and Associate Vice-Provost for Technology Strategy and Impact Justine Cassell delivered a keynote address at CyberLea...
Rose Delivers Keynotes in Atlanta, Munich
Associate Professor Carolyn Rosé is on the lecture circuit this semester. The keynote lecture circuit, that is.
Louw Wins IxDA Interaction Award for Engagement
Marti Louw, HCII faculty member and director of the Learning Media Design Center, took home the Best in Category award for "Engaging...
Kiesler Weighs In on What Online Comments Say About Us
It's easy to think that someone who posts a rude comment on a web article or forum is a probably just a rude person in general, but ...
Medical Price Matters … It Pratters
Forlizzi's Startup Allows Consumers to Compare Medical Costs When it's time to buy a new appliance, like a stove, few consumers jus...
Researchers Offer Insight Into How Brain Understands Data Gathered From Fingers
What if the touchscreen of your smartphone or tablet could touch you back? Roberta Klatzky, the Charles J. Queenan Jr. Professor of ...
Hong, Tasse See Social Media as Urban Planning Tool
HCII Associate Professor Jason Hong and Ph.D.
Kraut Talks Facebook Friends in The Atlantic
More than 70 percent of Internet users are on Facebook. And while the site applies the word "friend" to everyone in a user's network...