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Past Seminars

The HCII Seminar Series has been a weekly tradition at CMU since 1990. Details of our seminars from 2014 to present, as well as many of their recordings, are available below. A few years ago, we held a year of special programming in celebration of the seminar's 25th anniversary.

Date Title Speaker Talk title and Abstract
HCII Seminar Series - Michael Bernstein Michael Bernstein
Associate Professor, Computer Science, Stanford University

Sujeath Pareddy Memorial Lecture

Sujeath Pareddy was a PhD student in the Human-Computer Interaction Institute from 2018 to 2022. He brought his passion for computing systems and physics to bear on hard, long-standing challenges in accessibility for people with… Full Details

HCII Seminar Series - Kathleen Mercury Kathleen Mercury
Lecturer, Cal Poly Humboldt School of Education

"CreAItivity: The Creative Process, AI, and the Place Between"

The role of AI in the creative process is a difficult prospect for many people in creative… Full Details

HCII Seminar Series - David Widder David Widder
Postdoctoral Fellow at the Digital Life Initiative at Cornell Tech

"AI Supply Chains: Tools to Locate Power and Responsibility in AI Production for Critical, Accountable Computing"

Contemporary AI production is structured to enable ignorance of harm for those who want it, and complicate resistance for those who don’t. Through case studies of the… Full Details

Special HCII Seminar - Scott Davidoff Scott Davidoff
Principal Research Scientist, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

"HCI and the Search for Life in the Universe"

The biggest science questions – like whether life arose multiple times in the universe – are profoundly team efforts, even though many of our scientific tools and customs are oriented around disciplinary silos. This talk will describe… Full Details

HCII Seminar Series - Byungjoo Lee Byungjoo Lee
Mechanical Engineer and Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science,Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea

"A Decade of Research on Interaction Under Time-Pressure: Key Insights and Future Directions"

Research on time-pressured interactions in the history of HCI has been surprisingly scarce. In this talk, I will present a decade of my research, arguing that the rapid growth of related… Full Details

HCII Seminar Series - Gary Hsieh Gary Hsieh
Associate Professor in Human Centered Design & Engineering at University of Washington

"Accelerating Research Translation into Design Practice Using Generative AI"

Many valuable insights embedded in scientific publications are siloed and rarely translated into results that can directly benefit humans. This contributes to the so-called research-practice gaps, impedes… Full Details

HCII Seminar Series - Misha Sra Misha Sra
John and Eileen Gerngross Assistant Professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara

"Design of Human-AI Systems to Augment Human Potential"

At the Human-AI Integration Lab (HAL), we design, build, and study human-AI systems that amplify human potential by enhancing cognitive, creative, physical, and social capabilities. This talk will explore the challenges of… Full Details

Special HCII Seminar Series - Nick Hobbs Nick Hobbs
Designer, New Generative AI Products, Google

"How to Build a New Generation of AI Native Products"

We’ve seen an explosion of investment in AI infrastructure and foundation models, yet a commensurate surge of popular AI products has yet to follow. In this talk, we’ll explain the dearth of existing products, examine building… Full Details

HCII Seminar Series - Chris Golias Chris Golias
Senior User Experience Researcher, Gemini Internationalization, Google

"Decolonizing LLMs: An Ethnographic Framework for AI in African Contexts"

We examine LLM deployment through African lenses, utilizing and reflecting on ethnographic methods to engage with the continent’s unique technolinguistic landscape. Drawing from primary research in Ethiopia… Full Details

HCII Seminar Series - Dan Russell Dan Russell
Adjunct Lecturer, Human AI Group, Computer Science Department, Stanford University

"People and Online Research, Now That They’re Doing AI"

Given all of the press that LLMs have garnered, it’s worthwhile asking if they’re changing the ways people find information.  Are LLMs pulling traffic away from the search engines?  Just as importantly, how do… Full Details

HCII Seminar Series - Mark Riedl Mark Riedl
Professor, Georgia Tech School of Interactive Computing, and Associate Director of the Georgia Tech Machine Learning Center

"Human-Centered Explainable AI"

Artificial intelligence systems are increasingly involved in high-stakes decision-making, such as healthcare, financial, and educational determinations. Many have called for explainable AI (XAI), which are AI systems that provide human-… Full Details

Special HCII Seminar - Ujwal Gadiraju Ujwal Gadiraju
Assistant Professor, Human-Centered AI and Crowd Computing, Software Technology Department, Delft University of Technology

"The Human Quotient for Better AI Systems"

 The unprecedented rise in the adoption of artificial intelligence techniques and automation in many contexts is concomitant with the shortcomings of such technology concerning robustness, interpretability, usability, trustworthiness… Full Details

HCII Seminar Series - James Landay James Landay
Professor of Computer Science and the Anand Rajaraman and Venky Harinarayan Professor in the School of Engineering at Stanford University

“AI For Good” Isn’t Good Enough: A Call for Human-Centered AI

AI for Good initiatives recognize the potential impacts of AI systems on humans and societies.  However, simply recognizing these impacts is not enough. To be truly Human-Centered, AI development must be user-… Full Details

HCII Seminar Series - Martez Mott Martez Mott
Senior Researcher, Ability Team, Microsoft Research Redmond

"Designing Accessible Virtual Reality Experiences for People with Limited Mobility"

Virtual Reality (VR) offers compelling ways for people to interact with digital content in various domains such as education, gaming, communication, and design. However, VR platforms can be… Full Details

ACM Distinguished Speaker and HCII Special Presentation - Ronald Baecker Ronald Baecker
Emeritus Professor of Computer Science, University of Toronto

"Digital Dreams Have Become Nightmares:  What We Must Do -- A Call to Action"

For 80 years, digital technology visionaries have imagined and created systems to support human knowledge, learning, creativity, medicine, health, communications, community, commerce, power, and… Full Details

HCII Seminar Series - Takahiro Yabe Takahiro Yabe
Assistant Professor, Department of Technology Management and Innovation (TMI), Center for Urban Science and Progress (CUSP), Tandon School of Engineering, New York University

"Understanding the Complexity of Social Interactions at the City Scale"

The quantity and quality of social encounters in urban environments are crucial elements that drive economic mobility and build social capital. Where in cities do we observe the most and least diversity in… Full Details

HCII Seminar Series - Loren Terveen Loren Terveen
Distinguished McKnight University Professor, Computer Science & Engineering, The University of Minnesota

"Wikipedia as a Social Computing Laboratory: 20 Years of Research (and Counting)"

I’ve been doing research in Wikipedia for almost 20 years. It has been a laboratory where my collaborators and I have studied the social dynamics of the peer production of knowledge and introduced a… Full Details

HCII Seminar Series - Michael Madaio Michael Madaio
Senior Research Scientist, Google Research

"Responsible AI (h)as a Learning and Design Problem"

To address the potential harms of AI systems, prior work has developed resources (e.g., toolkits) to support responsible AI (RAI) development and studied how AI practitioners use such resources in their development practices.… Full Details

HCII Seminar Series - Rosa Arriaga Rosa Arriaga
Associate Professor in the School of Interactive Computing at Georgia Tech

"Forms of Accountability at the Intersection of Science and Design: Implications for Health and Wellness Technologies"

Computing holds the promise of alleviating the negative impact of chronic disease and mental health disorders by scaling human effort over time and space. Four in… Full Details

Invited Talk with Yudai Tanaka Yudai Tanaka
PhD student in the Department of Computer Science at University of Chicago

"Intercepting User’s Brain and Nervous System: A New Paradigm for Haptic Output"

When outputting information to our senses, almost all wearable interfaces follow the same principle: externally generating stimuli (e.g., lights, sounds, vibrations) and then presenting them via… Full Details

HCII Seminar Series - Chris Laffra Chris Laffra
founder of PySheets

"Creativity, Productivity and Communication"

Before AI showed up, software engineers spent only 20-30 percent of their time coding, with the remaining time dedicated to discussing their code. With the AI revolution, stakeholders expect that ratio to decrease even more. Therefore,… Full Details

HCII Seminar Series -Antti Oulasvirta Antti Oulasvirta
Professor, Aalto University, School of Electrical Engineering

"Towards Artificial Users: Rethinking Predictive Modeling in HCI in the Era of ML" 

Predictive models are used to infer users’ preferences, predict behavior, and generate and adapt user interfaces. Such models are hard to create, however, fundamentally because human behavior… Full Details

HCII Seminar Series - Leilani Battle Leilani Battle
Assistant Professor in the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Washington and co-director of the UW Interactive Data Lab

"Behavior-Driven Optimization for Interactive Data Exploration"

Analysts need the ability to intuitively explore their data before deciding how to clean it, model it, and present it to key decision makers. With the abundance of massive datasets in industry and science, analysts… Full Details

HCII Seminar Series - Richmond Wong Richmond Wong
Assistant Professor, Digital Media, School of Literature Media & Communication, Georgia Tech

"Creating Ethics Infrastructures for Design"

Design is a social and cultural practice (as well as a technical one). Developing ethical systems requires more than creating technical ethical design tools for individual designers; it also requires consideration of social and cultural… Full Details

HCII Seminar Series - Abbie Jacobs Abbie Jacobs
Assistant Professor of Information, School of Information, University of Michigan; Assistant Professor of Complex Systems, College of Literature, Sciences and the Arts, University of Michigan

"From Cadavers to Categories: Unpacking Upstream Assumptions in AI"

All technical systems depend on assumptions: about how the world works, about what the system is expected to do, about how we know if the system works (or not). Thus understanding systems–and if they work, and if… Full Details

HCII Seminar Series - Amy Bruckman Amy Bruckman
Regents’ Professor, School of Interactive Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology

"The Crisis in 'Knowledge': What HCI Practitioners Need to Know, and What We Can Do"

What is “knowledge” and how do we find it in the presence of a growing number of epistemically unreliable agents? In the title chapter of my book Should You Believe Wikipedia?, I explain how… Full Details

HCII Seminar Series - Nick Seaver Nick Seaver
Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, and Director of Program in Science, Technology, and Society at Tufts University

"Computing Taste: Care and Control in Algorithmic Music Recommendation"

The people who make music recommender systems have lofty goals: they want to broaden listeners' horizons and help obscure musicians find audiences, taking advantage of the enormous catalogs of music streaming… Full Details

HCII Seminar Series - Gahgene Gweon Gahgene Gweon
Associate Professor, Department of Intelligence and Information, Seoul National University (SNU)

"Harnessing (big) data and (AI) technology in shaping HCI research for real impact"

With the recent advancement of AI technology, we frequently encounter AI-based systems with impressive demonstrations. However, despite the remarkable demonstrations, building systems that can… Full Details

HCII Seminar Series - Dan Weld Dan Weld
Chief Scientist and General Manager of Semantic Scholar at the Allen Institute of Artificial Intelligence, and Professor Emeritus at the University of Washington

"Intelligence Augmentation: Effective Human-AI Interaction to Supercharge Scientific Research"

Recent advances in Artificial Intelligence are powering revolutionary interactive tools that will transform the capabilities of everyone, especially knowledge workers. But in order to… Full Details

HCII Seminar Series - Vernelle Noel Vernelle Noel
Lucas and Rita Caste Assistant Professor in Architecture and Urban Design, Assistant Professor of Computational Design, Carnegie Mellon University

"Craft, Culture, and Computing"

Craft practices and communities are embedded in histories and cultures of knowledges and innovations. Many of these practices, histories, and knowledges are at risk of disappearance due to dying practitioners, erasure, and technocentric developments… Full Details