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Past Seminars

The HCII Seminar Series has been a weekly tradition at CMU since 1990. Details of our seminars from 2014 to present, as well as many of their recordings, are available below. A few years ago, we held a year of special programming in celebration of the seminar's 25th anniversary.

Date Title Speaker Talk title and Abstract
HCII Seminar Series - George Aye George Aye
Cofounder and Director of innovation at Greater Good Studio. Full Professor (Adj) at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago

"That Quiet Little Voice: When Design and Ethics Collide"

The design industry’s relationship to the field of business has long been established and continues to become further entangled each year. But designers aren’t just satisfied with only disrupting the business sector—they’re keen to… Full Details

HCII Seminar Series - Ken Koedinger
Ken Koedinger
Hillman Professor and METALS Program Director, Carnegie Mellon University

"Opportunities Matter: Hybrid Human-Computer Tutoring Toward Educational Equity"

Across 27 datasets of students learning online, we find an astonishing regularity in the rate they learn. That’s the good news. When given quality practice opportunities with feedback and as-needed… Full Details

HCII Seminar Series - Andrew Begel Andrew Begel
Associate Professor, Institute for Software Research at Carnegie Mellon University

"CodeWalk: Facilitating Shared Awareness in Mixed-Ability Collaborative Software Development"

COVID-19 accelerated the trend toward remote software development, increasing the need for tightly-coupled synchronous collaboration. Existing tools and practices impose high coordination… Full Details

HCII Special Seminar - David Karger David Karger
Professor in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science department and member of the Computer Science and AI Laboratory at MIT

"Descriptive Languages to Help Non-programmers Create their own Web Applications"

The web is teeming with data, and interacting with that data is a key part of modern knowledge work. But traditionally, only programmers have been able to create the tools to support those… Full Details

HCII Special Seminar - Josiah Hester Josiah Hester
Breed Chair of Design and Assistant Professor of Computer Engineering at Northwestern University
"Batteries Not Included: Reimagining Computing for the Next Trillion Devices" In this talk, I'd like to upend the notion that a computing system needs reliable power to support useful computation, sensing, and interaction. For decades, typical computing systems have generally assumed stable,… Full Details
HCII Seminar Series - Janet Vertesi Janet Vertesi
Associate Professor, Sociology Department, Princeton University

"Building Anti-Racist Technologies: A Critical HCI Approach"

From soap dispensers and pulse oximeters that don’t see dark skin, to surveillance and incarceration systems implemented in ‘smart’ cities, our current technologies are racist. Authors in HCI and in the social studies… Full Details

HCII Seminar Series - Andrés Monroy-Hernández Andrés Monroy-Hernández
Principal Research Scientist at Snap Inc., Asst. Professor at Princeton Computer Science

"Playful Co-Located Interactions with Mobile Augmented Reality"

It is common to spend hours on our digital devices connecting with people far away while disconnecting from those right beside us. Even before the pandemic, researchers have argued that digital technologies make us… Full Details

SCS DEI Seminar: Data-Driven Diversity with Kody Manke and Kevin Jarbo
Kody Manke, Psychology Department and Kevin Jarbo, Social and Decision Sciences
Both are CMU Faculty

(Virtual presentation)

Full Details

HCII Seminar Series - Postdocs 4 HCII Postdocs

Pallavi Chhabra

CMU Postdoc, faculty advisor Ken Koedinger

Title:  Improving Motivation and Learning Outcomes in Math in an Intelligent Tutor Environment

Abstract:  … Full Details

HCII Seminar Series - Andy Wilson Andy Wilson
Partner researcher, Microsoft Research

"Blending Virtual and Physical Realities with RealityShader"

The metaverse is about more than VR headsets and always has been. At Microsoft Research we have been exploring the use of depth cameras and projectors to blend virtual and physical realities without headsets. Projects… Full Details

HCII Seminar Series - Michael Nebeling Michael Nebeling
Assistant Professor of Information, University of Michigan

"Extended Reality for Everybody"

Technical advances in virtual, augmented reality, and mixed reality (XR) have paved the way for these immersive technologies to become increasingly mainstream; however, from a design perspective, there is still a high barrier to entry. A lot of… Full Details

HCII Seminar Series - Nithya Sambasivan Nithya Sambasivan

"All Equation, No Human: The Myopia of Model Centrism"

AI models seek to intervene in increasingly higher stakes domains, such as cancer detection and microloan allocation. What is the view of the world that guides AI development in high risk areas, and how does this… Full Details

HCII Seminar Series - Jay Aronson Jay Aronson
Founder and director of the Center for Human Rights Science at Carnegie Mellon University and Professor of Science, Technology, and Society in the History Department

“Technology for Social Good? AI, Human Rights, and Harm Reduction”

The volume of information available to human rights practitioners has grown steadily since the globalization… Full Details

HCII Seminar Series - 4 HCII Postdocs Alex Ahmed, Hope Chidziwisano, Qiuyu (Luca) Lu and Deniz Sayar
HCII Postdocs

The HCII regularly gives our postdocs an opportunity to present during the HCII Speaker Series. This Friday’s seminar will feature four presentations in a hybrid format -- three will be presenting in person in NSH and one will be presenting remotely. If you are available, we hope you will join… Full Details

HCII Seminar Series - featuring HCII Postdocs
Adetunji Adeniran, Danielle Chine and Tricia Ngoon
Postdoctoral Researchers

The HCII regularly gives our postdocs an opportunity to present during the HCII Speaker Series.  This week we will hear from three postdocs from the learning sciences: Adetunji Adeniran, Danielle Chine and Tricia Ngoon.  Each person will present for approximately 15… Full Details

HCII Seminar Series - Amy Pavel Amy Pavel
Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Texas, Austin

Human-AI Systems for Making Videos Useful

Video is becoming a core medium for communicating a wide range of content, including educational lectures, vlogs, and how-to tutorials. While videos are engaging and informative, they lack the familiar and useful affordances of text for… Full Details

HCII Seminar Series - Leah Buechley Leah Buechley
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of New Mexico

"Hand and Machine"

I believe that by making technology more accessible and building artifacts that look and feel different from anything that has been built in the past, I can change and broaden the culture of technology. I can get a diverse range of people… Full Details

HCII Seminar Series - Shunichi Kasahara Shunichi Kasahara
Researcher, Group leader at Sony Computer Science Laboratories

"Superception : Exploring new “Self” in the integration of humans and computers"

When computers and humans integrate, to what extent are we ourselves? Computers are already no longer tools of humans, but are gaining the ability to make decisions and actions beyond… Full Details

HCII Seminar Series - Kat Schrier Shaenfield
Kat Schrier Shaenfield
Associate Professor/Director of Games, Marist College, School of Communication and the Arts; Consultant, Game Designer, World Health Organization (WHO)

"What if We Could Design Games to Reduce Biases and Enhance Compassion?"

Virtual reality (VR) and other types of games have been developed for educational purposes, with mixed results. We are still learning the best practices (and limitations) for designing games for skill… Full Details

HCII Seminar Series - Tom Hope Tom Hope
Postdoctoral researcher at The Allen Institute for AI (AI2) and The University of Washington

"Harnessing Scientific Literature for Boosting Discovery and Innovation"

In the year 1665, the first academic journal was published. Fast forward to today, there are millions of scientific papers coming out every year. This explosion of knowledge represents an opportunity to accelerate… Full Details

HCII Speaker Series - Daragh Byrne
Daragh Byrne
Associate Teaching Track faculty, School of Architecture, Carnegie Mellon University

"Storytelling with data and devices: making sense of the quantified self"

Stories about our everyday experiences are one of the main sensemaking methods we use to find meaning in our lives. As our lives are increasingly documented through smartphones, social media, and… Full Details

HCII Seminar Series - Nazanin Andalibi Nazanin (Naz) Andalibi
Assistant Professor, University of Michigan School of Information

"Where is the Human in Emotion Recognition/AI Technologies?"

Emotions are powerful, mediate humans’ experiences with their surroundings, and impact decision-making and attention online and off. Sharing and signaling one’s emotions to other humans can be beneficial, but involves… Full Details

HCII Seminar Series - Joel Chan Joel Chan
Assistant Professor, University of Maryland, College of Information Studies (iSchool)

"Accelerating Scientific Discovery by Lowering Barriers to User-Generated Synthesis of Scientific Literature"

In today's scholarly communication infrastructure, it is practically impossible to get timely answers to basic questions like "What is the best evidence that informs how… Full Details

HCII Seminar Series - Marshini Chetty Marshini Chetty
Assistant Professor, Computer Science Department, University of Chicago

"Imagine All The People On A Trustworthy Internet"


Imagine a world where the Internet caters to all types of users and hosts trustworthy content. Right now, this world seems far off for many reasons. For instance, this world would require us to think more broadly… Full Details

HCII Seminar Series - Susan Wyche Susan Wyche
Associate Professor, Michigan State University, Department of Media and Information

"Reconsidering Human-Centered Approaches to Design in Human-Computer Interaction and Development (HCI4D): Using Design Methods to Reimagine Technology in Rural Kenya"

Enthusiasm for using human-centered design persists among HCI and HCI4D researchers and practitioners; funding… Full Details

HCII Seminar Series - Michael Wessely Michael Wessely
Postdoctoral Associate at MIT CSAIL

"Fabricating Physical User Interfaces with Smart Materials"

Physical user interfaces like mobile phones, or wearable health monitors fundamentally changed how we live and work. However, their fabrication is still exclusive to industry and manufacturing experts. I envision that… Full Details

HCII Seminar Series - Gabriela Marcu Gabriela Marcu
Assistant Professor, University of Michigan School of Information

"Designing for Coordination and Intervention in Behavioral Health"


Behavioral and mental health is an underserved area, and receives less focus in health informatics research. Technology can play a role in different types of coordination with meaningful impact on… Full Details

Seminar: Robin Brewer Robin Brewer
Assistant Professor, School of Information, University of Michigan

"Challenging, Understanding, and Innovating to Support Aging and Online Engagement"

The United States Census predicts that by 2030, one in five people will be over the age of 65, with similar trends globally. Such rapid growth of the older adult population presents… Full Details

Seminar: Luke Stark Luke Stark
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Information and Media Studies, University of Western Ontario

“Ordering Emotion: Scenes from the History of Affective Computing”

In fields ranging from health and wellness and advertising and marketing to public safety and security, and political campaigning, data analytics tools united with techniques from the… Full Details

Special Seminar: Portable Laser Cutting with Thijs Roumen Thijs Roumen
Ph.D. student at Hasso Plattner Institute, Potsdam, Germany

A portable format for laser cutting will enable millions of users to benefit from laser-cut models as opposed to the 1000s of tech enthusiasts that engage with laser cutting today. What holds widely adopted use back is the… Full Details