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  • side by side images of a person holding gauze on their forehead and an interface with both question answering and proactive interventions

    PrISM: Procedural Interaction from Sensing Module


    There are numerous complex tasks in everyday life, from cooking to medical self-care, that involve a series of atomic steps. Properly executin...

  • MinexR



    Extended Reality (XR) interfaces offer engaging user experiences, but their effective design requires a nuanced understanding of user behavior...

  • illustration of NaNcy the Silky Anteater, the NaNoFuzz mascot

    Accelerated Software Testing


    The United States spends more than $48 billion/year on software testing, and many powerful testing tools have significant usability barriers t...

  • VR scene with some brightly colored underwater plants, text in the center reads "Echo of the Abyss"

    Echo of the Abyss


    Echo of the Abyss is a Virtual Reality (VR) experience that uses animal guides and immersive environments to cultivate a sense of kinship towa...

  • Soundify assists users in matching sound effects (in bold) and ambients (in italics) to video, and helps dynamically adjust panning and volume by localizing "sound emitters".



    In the art of video editing, sound is really half the story. Through formative interviews with professional editors (N=10), we found that the ...

  • screenshot of the Jigsaw prototyping system

    Jigsaw: Supporting Designers to Prototype Multimodal Applications by Assembling AI Foundation Models


    Recent advancements in AI foundation models have made it possible for them to be utilized off-the-shelf for creative tasks, including ideating...

  • Wikibench illustration of a bench made up of the 8 puzzle pieces from the wiki logo



    AI tools are increasingly deployed in community contexts. However, datasets used to evaluate AI are typically created by developers and annota...

  • hcii logo watermark

    What Makes Digital Support Effective?


    Online mental health support communities have grown in recent years for providing accessible mental and emotional health support through volun...

  • hcii-logo-watermark

    Shaping Online Dialogue


    Community rules play a key part in enabling or constraining the behaviors of members in online communities. However, little is unknown regardi...

  • matching for peer support - an illustration of 7 different silhouette images with dashed lines to visualize potential interconnectedness

    Matching for Peer Support


    Online mental health communities (OMHCs) have emerged in recent years as an effective and accessible way to obtain peer support, filling cruci...

  • a full image of a parrot above 8 small squares, each containing a small portion of image. Text reads "Select 4 of the most representative visualizations of the parrot for hints"

    Eye into AI


    Recent developments in explainable AI (XAI) aim to improve the transparency of black-box models. How...

  • We built a visualization dashboard called Rx RiskMap that communicates and explains the results of a model to predict overdose risk across the state of Pennsylvania. The data shown is outdated and depicted for demonstration purposes only.

    Predicting and Visualizing Overdose Risk for Public Health


    Overdose due to opioid misuse and abuse is currently a critical public health issue in the United States and worldwide. Machine learning (ML) ...