PROJECTSkeema is a new way to manage your tabs that helps to declutter your browser and your mind. ...
Studying and designing for human-AI collaborative work in real-world contexts
PROJECTAcross a range of real-world contexts, we are studying how AI is currently being designed and used to augment or transform worker practices. Moving beyond...
Empowering and Enhancing Workers Through Building A Community-Centered Gig Economy
PROJECTThe gig economy is characterized by short-term contract work performed by independent workers who are paid in return for the "gigs" they perform. Example ...
Advancing Fairness in AI with Human-Algorithm Collaborations
PROJECTArtificial intelligence (AI) systems are increasingly used to assist humans in making high-stakes decisions, such as online information curation, resume s...
Incorporating and Balancing Stakeholder Values in Algorithm Design
PROJECTThis project will create a general method for value-sensitive algorithm design and develop tools and techniques to help incorporate the tacit values of st...
User Preference for Navigation Instructions in Mixed Reality
PROJECTCurrent solutions for providing navigation instructions to users who are walking are mostly limited to 2D maps on smartphones and voice-based instructions...
Towards Understanding Diminished Reality
PROJECTDiminished reality (DR) refers to the concept of removing content from a user's visual environment. While its implementation is becoming feasible, it is s...
PROJECTWe present an optimization-based approach that automatically adapts Mixed Reality (MR) interfaces to different physical environments. Current MR layouts, ...
PROJECTFrom creating input devices to rendering tangible information, the field of HCI is interested in using kinematic mechanisms to create human-computer inter...
PROJECTThe Polyphonic project explores collecting real-world data by piggybacking on game streaming communities such as Twitch, which capture over a trillion min...
Games and Climate
PROJECTHow can games help address the challenge of climate change? Through research and design, we are exploring ways that games can motivate collective action, ...
Bloomwood Stories
PROJECTBloomwood Stories: Block Party is a visual novel that aims to increase players' health self-efficacy and connect them to health resources at their local l...