Faculty Researchers
PhD Student Researchers
Accelerated Software Testing
PROJECTThe United States spends more than $48 billion/year on software testing, and many powerful testing tools have significant usability barriers t...
PROJECTIn the art of video editing, sound is really half the story. Through formative interviews with professional editors (N=10), we found that the ...
Jigsaw: Supporting Designers to Prototype Multimodal Applications by Assembling AI Foundation Models
PROJECTRecent advancements in AI foundation models have made it possible for them to be utilized off-the-shelf for creative tasks, including ideating...
PROJECTAI tools are increasingly deployed in community contexts. However, datasets used to evaluate AI are typically created by developers and annota...
Data Navigator
PROJECTData Navigator is a JavaScript library that allows for navigation of data structures. Data Navigator makes png, svg, canvas, and even webgl gr...
Reviving Office Chatter
NEWSAbout one-third of our lives are spent at work, and the relationships we build there can have personal and professional benefits. But a majority of workers indicate difficulty connec...
Harrison Earns Lasting Impact Award for Turning Everyday Surfaces Into Touch Screens
NEWSGood technology takes time to get right. When widespread use of touch screens skyrocketed around 2007, for example, the research had been underway for roughly 50 years....
PROJECTSkeema is a new way to manage your tabs that helps to declutter your browser and your mind. ...
PROJECTFrom creating input devices to rendering tangible information, the field of HCI is interested in using kinematic mechanisms to create human-co...
CMU Researchers Develop Tool To Help Determine When To Reuse Content
NEWSDon't reinvent the wheel, the saying goes. But before using someone else's design, at least make sure it will be round....
Overcoming Tab Overload
NEWSIf you are reading this, chances are you have several other tabs open in your browser that you mean to get to eventually....
Understanding Mental Health with Mobile Sensing
PROJECTUnderstanding how our family and friends affect our mental health People are social beings in nature and our friends and family play a crucia...