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Faculty Projects

  • Project


    The LASAD project is focused on helping students learn to argue, debate and think critically by working collaboratively on a webpage that allo...

  • Project

    Interpreting Behavior With Crowds

    Social science research often relies on coding of video or other data for subjective events. This can be very time consuming and labor intensi...

  • Project

    Internet Support Groups

    People facing serious health threats increasingly use the Internet to obtain information and support. Internet support groups (ISGs), online c...

  • Project

    In Situ Imaging

    Our objective is to permit in situ visualization of medical images so that direct hand-eye coordination can be employed during invasive proced...

  • Project

    Human-Centered Cyber-Physical Systems in Cars

    Intelligent information systems and advanced driver assistance systems help drivers maintain a high level of situational awareness during vehi...

  • Project

    Games for Pain

    Can we use games to reduce opioid use and abuse after a work-related injury? This exploratory project looks at how games can intervene in pain...

  • Project

    Game Mechanics for Joint Focus

    A rich element of cooperative games are mechanics that communicate. Unlike automated awareness cues and synchronous verbal communication, coop...

  • Project

    ETAC: Educational Technology Across Cultures

    Educational technology has the potential to transform teaching and learning across the world. However, the design of globalized technologies f...

  • Project


    The EcoDigs project is exploring multi-stakeholder interactions around tenant/landlord decision making. Our research will explore the use of c...

  • Project

    Detecting Depression

    This project addresses depression, a mood disorder that impacts millions of American's each year and is one of the leading causes of disabilit...

  • Project


    Many web sites have surprising and sometimes nefarious clauses in their terms of use and privacy policies. The problem is that no one really r...

  • Project

    Context-Aware Scalable Authentication

    In the near future, we believe that all authentication needs can be managed by a single smart device, both for web services and for Internet o...

  • Project

    Collective Planning

    This project explores how social computing system can enable groups of people to collaborative plan for future events. The goal is to combine ...

  • Project

    Collaborative Synthesis

    Synthesis is the practice of integrating, organizing, filtering, and evaluating information as part of a design process. Limitations on time, ...

  • Project

    Cognitive Assistants and Modeling Human Routines

    We are developing a set of algorithms and visualization tools to better understand and model human behavior. With these models, we are buildin...

  • Project


    The goal of Chelada is to let others create a new class of mobile applications supporting proactive information. Based on one's context (such ...

  • Lumitrack


    Movement is one of the fundamental ways we interact with the world around us. We can configure our limbs and bodies into innumerable poses, lo...

  • Project

    Combining Small Groups and Large Scale Collaboration

    This research investigates the way that teams and communities collaborate online, with two aims: to develop new technologies to enhance collab...

  • Project


    VizWiz answers questions that people who are blind or visually impaired have about the things around them. Users take a photo, ask a question,...

  • Project


    The Tiramisu project investigates how social media can provide new ways for citizens to take ownership of and responsibility for their public ...